Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'll admit that I've been out of the loop for a while. I've been avoiding the news, and I certainly haven't been posting anything here. But from time to time one is compelled to speak out against outrageous injustice. For me that time is now.

And so I demand, here in the public, that Russia withdraw from Georgia, that they do it swiftly, and that they leave nothing but apologies in their wake.

Perhaps they could also leave vouchers of some kind in their wake. For something made in Russia. Raspberry Vodka or something.

Agents and actors on behalf of Russia have been making hay of things like US troops having trained in Georgia, or even our great President having visited Georgia. How silly! We paid for those bases, we'll train troops in them, and our elected officials will visit them as often as we, as the greatest nation on Earth, like.

Clearly Russia is trying capture some of that "American Magic." They've been witness to the massive economic success we've seen as a result of our various invasions, and they're simply trying to replicate that. Perhaps their actions stem from a concern that they need to diversify their economy and move away from one based solely on the export of petroleum products and leggy blonde white slaves. Sure, that economy has managed a budget surplus of nearly $18 billion dollars. That may even seem like a good thing to the uneducated and filthy, like the Russians. But clearly massive budget shortfalls and debt are the key to real economic dynamism, as is evidenced by our great nation.

You enjoying that XBox? You bet your ass you are.

So while Russia's rationale may be understandable, they've picked the wrong nation to invade. I mean, Georgia? Really? Why not pick one of those Istans south of you. No one can even name those places, let alone find them. Take one of those. Hell, take two.

But invading Georgia is not OK. It's not "peachy." And while we may not have the military capability to do it now, sooner or later, Russia, the people of Georgia will drive you into the Atlantic.

Analogcabin @ 9:11 AM
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