There are some interesting New Hampshire poll results over at MyDD that have Clinton at 28 and Obama at 26, well within the 4 point margin of error. Now granted that the sample size was very small and it's way early, but this is pretty grizzly news for Hillary. But what's more shocking to me is that the same poll has Bill Richardson at 2 percent, tied with Dennis Kucinich!
I mean, Kucinich? Really? I think it's pretty obvious at this point that Richardson isn't trying to accomplish anything other than maintaining a high enough profile to get the VP nod while keeping his head down enough to avoid any real scrutiny. But still, Kucinich? Robert Scheer is the only person I'm aware of who can utter the name without laughing, and even he's been backing off recently.
Analogcabin @ 9:26 AM -------------------------
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