Because it seems to be what the cool kids are doing, I'm going to go ahead and ignore Tom Vilsack and Dennis Kucinich entirely and say that John Edwards was the first serious Democrat to announce over the holiday. He chose to do it from New Orleans, presumably because the humidity gives him a nice all-over glisten.
I have to admit I'm a little puzzled by the eagerness with which most folks on the left are embracing Edwards, especially at a time when anti-Obama sentiment seems to be heating up. I'm not totally sure what it is that Edwards has over Obama, other than white skin and a name only slightly less innocuous than Whitey Whiteman. He's as much a litigator as he was last time and has no more experience now than he did then. I suppose it's that he's likeable and southern, but the certainly doesn't compare with Obama on the former and I don't know that the latter helps us all that much. More than anything else, I think the Edwards enthusiasm speaks to the hunger everyone on the left has for anyone other than Hillary. Maybe even Vilsack, but certainly not that ghoul Kucinich.
On the other hand, Edwards referring to the troop surge strategy as the "McCain doctrine" was pretty great.
Analogcabin @ 12:43 PM -------------------------
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