As is the custom, I've made some resolutions this year and if I know you like I know I know you, you'd like to know what they are. So since you asked:
Resolution 1: Practice Mindfullness Meditation Regularly
Those of you who've read The Spoonbender before might be surprised by this one, and not because I come across as a Tasmanian devil of misplaced anger, godlessness, and a general lack of circumspection. No. Instead it's because you're frightened at the thought of what an even more focused me might be able to accomplish. And to be totally honest, I share your fear. Killing with a gaze isn't as great as it sounds.
Resolution 2: Return to Blogging Regularly
It's been quite a while since I blogged near-daily. My semi-retirement wasn't planned. In fact, a number of times I've tried to reinvigorate myself, and each of those times I've failed. I blame part of this on my lack of focus -- a shortcoming I hope to address with Resolution 1. I think the rest of the problem is that I've already skewered the entirety of our world so effectively that to continue on is to perfect upon perfection.
So how to proceed? I've decided that, starting today, I'll be blogging about the 2008 presidential election exclusively. Other than Man vs. Wild, it's what has interested me most lately, and it dovetails nicely with my third Resolution.
Resolution 3: Volunteer on a Presidential Candidate's Campaign
The events of the past years have finally convinced me that sitting on the sidelines hurling epithets is probably not going to result in the restoration of our civil liberties, and neither is my annual $100 donation to the ACLU. I have my doubts that stuffing "Obama in 08" envelopes will, either, but at least it will get me out of the house.
And with that, I leave you for the morning. The next time you hear from me, it will be in a spiritually-centered, promptly-posted entry about John Edwards' announcement.
Analogcabin @ 9:40 AM -------------------------
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