You know that Bush got up this morning, rolled over and was like, "Rach [el Brand, Asst. Attorney General], today's gonna be my day. I can just feel it. Now let me rip that sumbitch, 'cause I know it's 4:20 someplace...."
And after the gurgling had subsided and the Assistant Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and Secretary of Energy Sam "The Bod Man" Bodman had been secreted from the residence, George showered, shaved, and prepared himself for a five point bump in the polls. After all, the Iraq elections had gone off without a hitch. Even those irritating Sunnis got their thumbs dirty for a change. Plus, he was about to drop another bil and a half on that Nagin fucker -- enough to quiet the investigation down for a few days while Bush plays "finger in the Big Easy dyke." Kind of like he did with Condi last night! And he finally agreed to sign ol' Tyrannosaurus arms' torture bill. Like that means anything.
Then this happens. Sometimes you can't win for losin'.
Analogcabin @ 3:25 PM -------------------------
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