Maybe you've heard about Seattle area school superintendent Tony Apostle and how he banned in-school Halloween festivities this year, and maybe you thought to yourself something like this:
I can't wait to surf on over to The Spoonbender to see what's what with this story. I'll bet this Apostle guy got ripped a new a-hole! Maybe a joke about his name, even! Click Favorites, drag The Spoonbender, and prepare for laughs!
Well, think again, you dipshit. Not only am I not going to rip Tony Apostle a new asshole or make fun of his name, but I'm also not going to make you laugh. That's because I, for one, don't think the education of our youth is anything to laugh about.
Who among you can say you learned anything the day of your school's Halloween celebration, except maybe how to smear greasepaint into a nerd's ham sandwich or what a burgeoning teenaged bosom looks like in a profanely tight cat costume? Who among you? None among you, that's who.
Let's face it: Our youth is stupid, and they're getting stupider. While coming to school all hopped up from huffing spirit gum might be an answer to the problem, I submit that it's not the answer.
Additionally, what good are schoolgirls dressed pornographically when they're on school grounds, of which I cannot go within 500 yards, thanks to Mr. Court Order here?
Analogcabin @ 4:30 PM -------------------------
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