Before I begin, let me get one thing straight: I'm way more in favor of Philadelphia's new commercial directed at gay tourists than most of the city's more cheese steaky residents. I watched The Furniture Guys, for god's sake. I'll even refrain from making a joke about it being the City of Brotherly Love, instead stating simply that I'm totally behind it.
What upsets me about the article is contained in the below:
The commercial is the first TV ad by a destination -- such as a city or resort -- to target a gay audience, said Mike Wilke, executive director of the Commercial Closet Association, a nonprofit group that tracks gay representation in ads.
There is a nonprofit group that tracks gay representation in ads called the Commercial Closet Association and it employs someone named Mike Wilke. Yet I cannot find a new job.
Analogcabin @ 9:23 AM -------------------------
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