As if his face alone weren't enough for a conviction, police in Salt Lake City actually watched as Valentin S. Echevarria, above, stabbed his girlfriend's 6-month-old son. The child will live and Echevarria is in custody, so I guess it all worked out. Still, I'm unsettled by the story for reasons beyond that I find attempted infanticide offputting. Consider this:
When officers saw Echevarria stab the baby, they tried to subdue him with the beanbag rounds, then bullets....
It took a bullet in the hip before he was subdued enough for the cops to grab the baby.
What bothers me here is that some police will beat you mercilessly for misbehaving at a protest while others refrain from blowing your head off when they watch you stab a baby, opting first for fucking bean bags.
Some people deserve an 8-inch-hole in the back of their head. Others would be fine after a stern talking-to. As a nation, I wish we'd demand our law enforcement officers and, moreover, our legislators figure out which are which.
Analogcabin @ 10:15 AM -------------------------
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