I'm not completely certain, but I think I'm proud that I have friends that have slept with contestants on Survivor. I take that back. I'm completely certain.
The first instance of this degree of reality show sexparation came to my attention a few years ago when a high school friend told me that he'd had sex with Jerri of Survivor: The Amazon and Playboy fame. He was managing a club in LA at the time, and Jerri was one of the bartendrices. The second instance occurred today when a college buddy informed me he slept with Christa, soon to be seen on Survivor: Pearl Islands.
There's no question I'm proud of both boys, and of myself for knowing them. As the years crawl onward, though, and the reality shows pile-up, we'll all get closer to a reality show connection. We'll all be Kevin Bacons in our little way.
That day will be a promise fulfilled. It will be glorious, indeed.
Analogcabin @ 1:21 PM -------------------------
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